Returns Policy

You may return any of the following items to for any reason, for a full refund (we’ll also refund the return shipping cost, if the return is a result of our error or if the item qualifies for Free Returns) within 30 days of delivery of your shipment (including gifts) :

  • Unworn jewelry, watches, shoes, clothing and accessories (see “Returning Jewelry and Watches” and “Returning Shoes, Clothing & Accessories” below for more details)

Also, most health and personal care items can be returned within 30 days of delivery (subject to the exclusions below).

Please note that we cannot accept the return of opened items, some health and personal care items, or items returned more than 30 days past.

Replacement of Damaged of Defective Items

If you received a defective item and need to replace it with the same item..

Returning Electronics

Electronics purchased from Fourth Dimension Imports Inc., can be returned  within 30 days of delivery of shipment via our contact us portal.. These items must be in new condition with original packaging and including all accessories. We cannot accept returns of products (including musical instruments, televisions, or consumer electronics) missing the serial number or UPC; we will not issue refunds for such items, or without proof of purchase.

Returning Shoes, Clothing and Accessories

  • Shoes, clothing and accessories purchased from Fourth Dimension Imports Inc, can be returned free of charge  within 30 days of delivery of shipment via our contact us portal.
  • The items must be in new and unworn condition in the original packaging.
  • The items should be returned using a trackable shipping method.

Returning Jewelry and Watches

  • Jewelry items and watches with a value of $75 or more should be returned using a trackable shipping method.
  • All product packaging (boxes, warranty cards, etc.) and certificates of authenticity, grading, and appraisal must be returned with the item.
  • Any items returned without original documentation will be rejected.
  • The items must be in new and unworn condition in the original packaging.
  • Items that have been resized, damaged or otherwise altered after delivery will not be accepted for return.